Heritage for the Nation.
Publication of the Treasure Trove Review
The findings of the Review have been submitted to the KLTR. Updates on next steps will be shared in due course.
The report is available here.
Upcoming Events
Elgin Museum, Evening Talk and Finds Morning
20/09/2024 - 21/09/2024
Talk: Treasures of Moray: What’s new with Moray Finds?
Date/Time: 20/09/2024, 7:00pm
Please ensure you book a ticket on the Elgin Museum website here.
Finds morning at Elgin Museum
Date/time: 21/09/2024, 10:00 - 12:00
Please note there are very limited spaces available for this event and an appointment must be booked here.
If there is no appointment available but you would like to discuss dropping-off/picking-up finds, please get in contact: treasuretrove@nms.ac.uk
Highland Archaeology Festival, Inverness, Finds Day
05/10/2024 - 09:00 - 16:00
Highland Council HQ, Glenurquhart Rd, Inverness IV3 5PB
Click here to book an appointment
More information on site here
Online form trialling
We will be trialling our new online reporting form over the next 6 months. If you have any issues with the form, please let us know by emailing us at treasuretrove@nms.ac.uk.
Treasure Trove Online Form
Meeting TTU - booking an appointment
The Treasure Trove Unit can meet with finders at the National Museum of Scotland to receive finds. If you have artefacts to hand-in, please book an appointment online here, or e-mail us at treasuretrove@nms.ac.uk.
Appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Please continue to e-mail us to report finds at treasuretrove@nms.ac.uk, with a reporting form attached or fill out an online form here.
English language reporting forms can be downloaded here.
Gaelic language reporting forms can be downloaded here.